Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"Where are you from?"

This is the question I get asked daily. Generally,the response is, "I can tell." It pleases me to know that Clint gets asked the same thing. For some reason he thought his accent was not as noticable. Ha! Most of the time I'm proud to say I'm from TN. I'm certainly not ashamed but I am usually aware of it before I open my mouth. Yesterday, I took Chloe to get her vaccinations and the vet walked in and told me she was originally from TN and went to UT for school. Small world but made me feel like I was with "one of my own." She said she and her husband have been here for 20 years and she is just now letting go of her accent. My favorite story so far happen to occur at my favorite place, the mall. I was trying on clothes in the dressing room and was the only one in there. The sales person, who I had not yet seen, asked me how everything was working. I said something about needing another size and instead of offering to get the size, she immediatly said, "Oh, where are you from." I told her and she said I sounded so "cute." She asked me a few more questions before walking out. When I came out I never did see the sales associate and thought it was so funny how we had our entire converstation through the stalls of a dressing room. I do love the friendly nature of everyone here. I keep telling Clint that hopefully our Southern sound will come off as charming and not redneck. Either way, we are going to have to deal with it and who knows, maybe it will work towards our advantage.


Anonymous said...

I enjoy it when old people have held on to childhood accents their entire lives. It's like every time they speak, they're paying a tribute to the place they're from.

Unknown said...

I work in Knoxville and alot of people ask where I am from, which I think is hilarious but apparently rockwood has a thicker country twang, lol.I am glad you are proud of it. I know I am!!! :)

Tara said...

Love it! I have so many interesting stories about my accent when I go to visit my grandmother in upstate NY. Their accents are like "NYC" accents. It is the most northern Yankee accent you have ever heard. So you can imagine what a contrast it is when "we" (southerners) talk. You get some crazy looks I tell you! Ha! Sounds like you are having a blast up there!

Tara said...

Sorry..I meant they ARENT like NYC accents. Very different.